共為你找到:200筆costco chips taiwan 相關企業資訊
Our company mainly produces electrical parts and was established in 2007 as a company that bought and sold memory chips. and we have been doing business with companies who produce hard discs. Dell computer is our focus and is very popular in international market. Most of our products have been sold well. Today Taiwan Vtech Technology Global Technology CO., Ltd. is considered a leading manufacturer and supplier of memory upgrade modules, high capacity flash memory cards, USB flash drives, portable hard drives as well as consumer and professional workstation graphics cards. As the wholesale supplier , we mainly provide computer parts which include LCD monitors, CRT monitors, and wireless series products. Today Taiwan Vtech Technology Global Technology CO., operates in 6 locations, with products sold in over 50 countries. Taiwan Vtech Technology Global Technology CO., is headquartered in Taiwan, and maintains manufacturing facilities and/or sales offices in. Potential future expansion plans in the coming years. The company has enjoyed continued growth and success since its inception. Currently employing over 100 people, they continue to aim for new and innovative products to expand their offerings by delivering a full range of high-quality solutions worldwide. We make sure that all of our products will meet your demands and are looking forward to your reply. We will supply you with the best price and services. Let us start now. Our principle is "to develop ourselves with the development of customers".
美商德盟全球凱展(股)台灣分公司(Club Demonstration Service, Taiwan) 在台設立於民國95年,隸屬美國上市公司Daymon Worldwide 事業群中的德盟互動行銷 (Daymon Interaction) 旗下的商品展售顧問公司Club Demonstration Service 之在台分公司。 CDS總部位於美國加州聖地牙哥市,目前在全美32個州,200多個 Costco 據點提供展示服務。此外CDS也在 Costco 的海外據點,如墨西哥、韓國、日本及台灣等地提供專業的展示服務。 我們優秀的經營團隊,秉持著『以客為尊』的經營理念,追求企業永續經營及成長;除整體營運穩定外,獲利狀況也逐年提昇,是國內績優廠商之一。 我們重視每位員工,除了良好工作環境,也提供學習及成長空間,是台灣量販流通展示服務業中的翹楚。 誠摯地歡迎想要在服務業中有不一樣的成就的優秀朋友們加入CDS Taiwan 的工作行列。 www.daymon.com www.clubdemo.com
A-FLASHER TECHNOLOGY CO., Ltd. a supplier and manufacturer of computer products and flash memory products, established in Taipei, Taiwan in 2007, we distribute and manufacture a full range of high quality memory products from MEMORY MODULE, FLASH CARDS and USB PEN DRIVE with original hynix, Samsung, micron…..chips
本公司成立於1992年,以外銷導向為主,急徵國貿業務人才 ,俱細心,負責任,精通英語,能獨當一面開發客戶,有升遷機會,歡迎加入本公司行列. 請備中英文自傳履歷 e-mail 至 [email protected] 陳小姐收
企業簡介 ■公司成立時間:中華民國95年12月21日 ■經營項目:居家建材、系統設計、建築營繕、Online線上裝修 家 一輩子的呵護 Home-fix 無限服務
企業簡介 台灣原生品牌、原生品味,融合了多元的文化價值與創意、包容與尊重,讓台灣味成為世界獨一的味道。 「台灣味」代表著一種當仁不讓,捨我其誰的務實、無懼,不僅是大家想像中的飲食文化,更是一切具有台灣意象的味道。 因此「台灣味買賣平台」所販賣的不僅是台灣在地原生品牌的好物,更行銷各個品牌的故事,希望透過買賣交流、說故事、聽故事,讓人與人之間的溫度得以傳送出去。 「台灣味買賣平台」是一個以故事行銷的購物平台,讓「買」與「賣」雙方回歸到最有人情味的本質:「買賣賺熟識」、「買賣算分,相請沒論」、「買賣不成仁義在」的「熱情、誠意、信任」。 時代躍進,「台灣味買賣平台」在創意夢田中,尋找誠懇踏實,認真執著的夥伴。 我們不僅有創意與行銷的專業,更有獨到的市場洞悉力與執行力。 結合網路與平面,激盪出最動人台灣味的創意火花,共同打造MIT品牌生命力。 如果你是:有創意、有執行力、樂觀又進取、能獨立作業的人才、歡迎加入我們!
企業簡介 「台慶」原為永慶房產集團於2005年在上海成立之房仲品牌,在全員努力之下,短短幾年內台慶品牌在大陸房產市場就已擁有亮眼的成績。永慶集團為了打造橫跨兩岸的品牌,於2012年8月正式在台,以「台慶」為名成立集團第三品牌「台慶不動產」。期望以在地資深專業的房仲人員,透過數位e化工具提供專人專屬服務,讓每位客戶在繁雜的買賣屋過程中,都能有專人專屬一貫化的全程貼心服務,隨時提醒與協助客戶解決所有房子問題,為客戶實現成家美夢。 台慶不動產七期市政加盟店為台中七期成立第一家,區域內有COSTCO、迪卡儂、IKEA、大遠百、新光百貨等著名大型商場進駐,周遭已開發之五期、逢甲商圈,熱銷中的單元二、單元三、八期物件,且上快速道路閘道只需三分鐘快速連結至大台中一日生活區,未來在各重劃區及衛星都市等發展情況下,相信仍是中部地區不動產指標。任何房屋銷售、土地、套房、店面、廠房、透天、豪宅、等大型不動產之專業行銷,都秉持著專人服務、全店行銷的精神替您貼心處理。
We are a social enterprise. Health Olive Corp. is founded to be a social enterprise providing Chinese Olive Powders to benefit people's health. With a vision of bringing well-being to people and harmony to the environment, we are the pioneer introducing health benefits of the Chinese olive to the western countries. We are committed to promoting natural health, because we care about people. Producing Chinese olive natural food supplement, we ensure what we do is benefiting people and bringing value to communities. We are sort of Fair Trade. To provide natural food supplement, we work directly with Chinese olive farmers on mountains in Taiwan and help them make living from harvest and protect nature environment. Being thankful to the Mother Nature, we dedicate ourselves to protecting nature environment and producing non-polluted Chinese olives. In Taiwan, our Chinese olives are planted on hillside of 500 meters high, with the way of natural farming and with no chemical and pesticide. We have passion for life, for people, and for natural health. According to Chinese ancients practice, Traditional Chinese Medicine, modern research, and our product experiences of 20 years, we have learned great benefits of Chinese olives in helping people maintain and restore health. Having years in research and development, we want to introduce the precious green/ orange label Chinese Olive Powder made of Chinese olives to the world and to benefit everyone’s health. Having support from our local government of agriculture and cooperation with Industrial Technology Research Institute, we have been very successful in manufacturing Chinese Olive Powders for more than 20 years. Under guidance of ISO 22000 and HACCP, we provide high quality of Chinese Olive Powders for people to maintain and restore health.
品鈞有限公司,地址:No. 158, Dong Zong St., Wu ze dist., Taiwan,從事F401021 至F401190 以外其他輸出入之行業。,從事一般商品進出口貿易業務。但屬石油輸出及許可業務者不在此限,另需依其他細類申請辦理。,從事日常用品批發之行業。包括炊具、掃帚、刷子、餐具、器皿、鏡子、家庭及衛生用紙等。
本公司為2016設立之標籤印刷廠, 產品為以貼紙為主,提供各式工商用貼紙 產品為彩色貼紙,提供切張/卷裝/自動貼標。 運用範圍為廣告、玩具、布標、食品、等彩色標籤. 標籤是產品的終端形象,本公司專注於標籤本業,提供您更優質高的印刷品質
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